martes, 20 de diciembre de 2016

Merry Christmas!

Christmas gives us the opportunity to pause and reflect on the important things around us - a time when we can look back on the year that has passed and prepare for the year ahead.
David Cameron

All our best from our school!

jueves, 15 de diciembre de 2016

El ciclo de la rana y Mr. Happy

La clase de tercero ha trabajado estas semanas con Mrs. Talero en Natural Science sobre el tema "living things and animals" y han tenido una visita muy especial: nuestra  mascota eTwinning, Mr. Happy.
Como es un hombre de mundo y amante de la naturaleza, ha disfrutado de esta actividad con sus amigos de clase y han seguido las fases de la reproducción de la rana con gran interés. Los niños le han explicado a Mr. Happy cómo se transforma la rana de un pequeño huevo hasta llegar a ser un animal saltarín adulto.

lunes, 12 de diciembre de 2016

Second Blog Post - Holidays, Space, and Geography

Second Blog Post - Holidays, Space, and Geography

I´ve now been teaching at C.E.I.P San Miguel for 4 months! I´m starting to really like my classes and I can honestly say that I´m very impressed with the kids level of english which is constantly improving. Since my last blog post (2 months ago) I have helped teach a huge range of topics, ranging from Space and Geography to Economics and Healthy Diets. In this blog post I´m going to highlight some of the projects that I helped create and teach.

Layers of the Atmosphere - with Class 4A and 4B.

At the moment we are studying the layers of the atmosphere in classes 4A/B. As part of this unit we put together a small flipbook which the children seemed to really love making. Attached below is an exmaple of one of the completed flipbooks, which contained alot of very important information and diagrams.

The Solar Sytstem - With class 5A and 5B

With class 5A/B I had the chance to help out and add my own input with the Solar System topic. This topìc was great to teach and was very practical. The children got involved with creating some great looking posters and models. Attahced below is some photos I took from some of the space models and posters which are proudly presented on the top floor. I helped mainly with the order of the planets poster which again I have attached below as the picture on the right..

The Earths Movement - With class 3A and 3B

Again this is a recently finished topic which was very interesting to teach. We created a poster which described the types of movements which the earth has, Rotating and Revolving. This unit was very fun and engaging to teach. Below is an example of one of the posters which was created! As part of this unit the children also learned about the different seas and oceans around the world as well as the different continents.

The Economy - With class 6A 6B and 6C

With class 6A 6B and 6C we have been working on the economy in the last couple of weeks. The children have been very engaging when I have asked them questions in english on the topic and eager to learn. This was demonstrated in the recent Kahoot test that we did which involved 14 questions on the economy, 7 in Spanish and 7 in English. The children got on really well with this with some students even scoring 100%! I have attached the link for the Kahoot below where you can see the questions that were asked.

viernes, 9 de diciembre de 2016

Merry Christmas to Europe! #eTwinning

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We are sending these Christmas Cards to different countries around Europe thanks to our eTwinning project. This time my colleague Lucía from 3rd grade and me have been working this little winter project with our students.
 Hope you enjoy them too!

¡Os deseamos Feliz Navidad y Feliz Año Nuevo! Este año estamos participando en un proyecto eTwinning y, tanto mi compañera Lucía como yo, hemos preparado estas Tarjetas Navideñas en nuestras clases para enviarlas a distintos puntos de Europa desde el Cole San Miguel de Armilla.

From  San Miguel School in Armilla. 
1st Grade A and teacher Esther Ruiz.

lunes, 5 de diciembre de 2016

¡Parques Naturales en Europa! #eTwinning

¡Un trimestre de lo más "natural"! De esta forma llamaría a la temática que hemos estado desarrollando a través de tareas y proyectos durante estos meses. Ha sido una andadura que nos ha permitido conocer mejor nuestro entorno cercano y también el que hay en dos puntos muy interesantes de Europa: Italia y Alemania.
A través de eTwinning nos planteamos como un reto especial el hacer una propuesta de investigación colaborativa sobre los espacios naturales de nuestros países. Para ello tuvimos que decidir qué zona sería la de estudio a través de una votación en clase. Desde el C.E.I.P San Miguel se propuso el Parque Natural de Doñana y de esta forma surgió esta presentación con para aportar información para nuestros socios europeos.A su vez Italia propuso el Parque Natural de Alta Murgia y Alemania el estudio de la biosfera de la reserva del Elba.
Si bien la investigación ha durado puesto que se ha investigado, se han buscado imágenes de intercambio y se han creado distintas exposiciones con los cuartos, el resultado ha merecido bien la pena. Al alumnado le gusta estar activo en clase e intercambiar sus logros. A la hora de exponer oralmente sus exposiciones, han surgido bastantes preguntas curiosas sobre la fauna y flora o sobre el entorno natural entre los participantes. ¡Todo esto y más lo iremos dejando en nuestro espacio del Twinspace del proyecto!
¡Seguiremos trabajando en esta línea!
