martes, 28 de enero de 2020


Many of the students of CEIP San Miguel are learning very interesting things about animals in English. Animals is a great unit for the childrens because there are so many fun activities we can do with the children. The students are almost done with this unit so it is time for them to review and demonstrate all the things they've learned.

During this unit, the students learned many different aspects about animals, such as the type of skin covering, how they move about, and how they reproduce. The main groups of vertebrates (animals with a spine), are mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish. The students practiced speaking and listening by answering questions about each type of animal. I asked the pupils to tell me how the animals breathe, reproduce, move, and what type of skin covering they have (scales, feathers, bare skin, fur). Then, they wrote down the important infomation next to the animal in their notebooks.

This was a great way for the students to review animals and practice speaking and listening using relevant vocabulary to the lesson.

Here you can see an example of what the students wrote in their notebooks:

5th Grade 5 Senses

Lucía's 5th Grade Science class had a great time learning about the five senses. First, we thought of examples of each of the five senses (sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell). The students then made sentences with each of the senses. For example, some of the students said "I can touch my book with my hands" or "I can taste chocolate with my tongue". This was a great way for the students to practice speaking English and also practice speaking in front of their classmates. The pupils then played a game of charades in which they had to act out a certain sense and the rest of the class guessed what it was. They had a lot of fun acting these out for the class! Next, the students got into groups and they had to paste different examples of things for each sense (ice cream for taste/a cat for touch/a firetruck for hearing) and they made a poster with the photos and sentences. This was a great way for the students to learn more about the senses, practice speaking English, and have fun while doing so.

You can see some pictures of the students working and the projects they came up with here:

martes, 21 de enero de 2020

The Water Cycle

In Lucía's 4th grade science class, the students created a very interesting art project about the water cycle. The water cycle consists of four steps: evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and collection. The pupils made a cloud, then wrote and decorated it with the title 'The Water Cycle'. They then made four water droplets and wrote about each stage of the water cycle. Evaporation is when the sun heats the water on the earth and the water forms water vapour. Condensation is when water vapour condenses into tiny water droplets and forms clouds. Precipitation is when the water falls from the clouds as rain, snow, or hail. The last stage, collection, is when water from the rivers goes into the sea. The students used fishing line to connect the four water droplets to the cloud. The result of the project was very nice and the children really enjoyed creating it and it helped them understand the water cycle much better. 

Here you can see the projects the students created: