martes, 29 de octubre de 2019

Layers of the Atmosphere in 4th Grade

The fourth graders here at CEIP San Miguel have been learning about the different layers of the atmosphere. We have also learned about the layers in English, which are the Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere and Exosphere. They even know key components of each layer! For example, the ozone, which helps keep harmful UV rays from the sun away from the Earth, is located in the Stratosphere and the Exosphere (the outermost layer) has extremely thin air.
We watched a video talking about the different layers of the atmosphere and explained fun facts about each layer, and also the distance, size, and temperature.

The students drew a picture showing the Earth and all of the layers that cover it. They wrote and drew the unique parts about each layer in the picture. The Troposphere is where the weather occurs, so they drew different types of weather, like sunny, rainy, or snowy. In the Stratosphere, they drew the ozone, in the Mesosphere, they wrote ´very cold´,and in the Thermosphere they wrote ´very hot´. The students really seemed to enjoy this activity and it also helped them visualize the different layers of the atmosphere and to understand the unique parts of each layer.

Here you can see some examples of the Layers of the Atmosphere that the students drew:

And here is a photo of them working on the project:

martes, 1 de octubre de 2019

Megan's Second Year as an English Language Assistant

This will be my second year as an English language and culture assistant at CEIP San Miguel. I am very glad to be back and I'm excited to learn and gain even more experience working with the wonderful students and teachers at this school! For my first day back, I created a presentation about what I did during my summer. After I presented the PowerPoint to the children, I asked them about how their summers were and what they did. They created their own mini posters with a drawing and a sentence about one thing they did over the summer. The students wrote about going to the beach, going to the mountains, going to the swimming pool, and visiting family and friends.

Here is the presentation "My Summer":

Look at the posters that the children in 3rd grade made about their summers: