martes, 16 de octubre de 2018

So good to work as a linguistic assistant here!

My name is Megan and I am the new English language assistant at CEIP San Miguel! I am very excited to be working in a school with such helpful and welcoming staff and students that are very sweet and eager to learn :)

This will be my second year working in Spain as an English language assistant. Last year I worked in a secondary school in Ciudad Real. Though I am somewhat familiar with the city of Granada after having studied there in university, this is my first time spending time in the cute neighboring town Armilla!

The first week at school I introduced myself and taught the students about where I'm from. I told them a little bit about me, my interests and hobbies, about the USA in general, and some fun facts about my state, Washington (not to be confused with Washington, DC). The students then asked me questions about myself and told me a little bit about themselves as well. They told me their names, ages, favorite foods, and hobbies. After showing them a map of the world and demonstrating how far my home is from Spain, many of them were curious to know how long it took me to get here (12 hours, but so worth it!)

Here is a link to my intro presentation

I am very excited to be working at this school and am looking forward to getting to know the students and teachers better! :)