lunes, 28 de mayo de 2018

Last Day in CEIP San Miguel

It has been such a beautiful and enriching experience to be working alongside the teachers and students at CEIP San Miguel.

My favorite experiences were getting to talk about my country (mi país), teaching a short story about the elements for some classes, seeing different theater performances, being a part of the Mindfulness and Yoga during the Cultural Week, and learning about Social and Natural Science in English.

Thank you so much to all the staff, teachers and students at CEIP San Miguel! It has truly been a pleasure working with all of you.

I will never forget this experience.

I hope to come back to visit soon. Granada and CEIP San Miguel will always have a place in my heart.

Muchas gracias a todos desde mi corazón!

martes, 22 de mayo de 2018

A Portfolio in Natural Science

We have been working on so many different themes in all of the classes!

 The common theme we have all been working on is nature.

 In first grade, we have been learning about the Sun and the Earth. We learned that the Sun is a star, and the Earth is a planet. We also learned about the four different seasons - spring, summer, autumn-fall and winter!

What is your favorite season?

 In the second grade classes we have been learning about the phases of the moon, as well as the order of all of the planets.

We drew the different phases of the Moon, such as waxing Moon, full Moon, new Moon and waning Moon.

 In our journals, we created a beautiful drawing of the planets and our Solar System!

 Lastly in fourth grade, we did crafted a project about the parts of a flower.

We labeled all of the parts in English and Spanish. Inside the petals we wrote about the Sexual Reproduction and their roots.

If you click on these lovely photos, or here I have attached a link to the portfolio of the student´s work: