jueves, 19 de octubre de 2017

lunes, 16 de octubre de 2017

Danielle, English language assistant

Hi everyone my name is Danielle and I am the new language assistant at C.E.I.P San Miguel in Armilla this year. It’s my first year living and teaching in Granada. Last year, I taught English in Galicia. The weather has been a lot warmer in Andalusia!

My first day I met the students and told them about California and the United States of America. They learned about the US flag, which colors are red, white and blue and also learned that we have fifty stars because there are fifty different states. I showed them where on the map I live and how close it is to Mexico.

At the end of my presentation, they all got to color their very own US flags!

I also got to show the students a special PowerPoint presentation I had made about myself, where I come from and my interests. Here is my presentation.

The following week I got to meet the rest of the students and learn about the subjects that they are learning in science class. Some of the classes were studying the reproductive and circulatory systems and others were learning about the different stages of life such as, birth childhood, adolescence and adulthood.

In 1st grade class, we got to experience a workshop learning about the different senses: Touch, Taste, Sight, Smell and Hearing. At one of the tables students had to taste lemon, salt, sugar and an apple to see if they liked the flavor or not. One of the tables students experimented with different musical instruments making different sound and music. Another table students were blindfolded and had to describe the textures they were feeling-hard, soft, rough or smooth. They all had so much fun learning about the senses in a creative and interactive way with the help of some students of the fifth grade.  

I’m looking forward to spending the year working with the students and teachers at C.E.I.P San Miguel!